Trying something new today. Joining in with Lisa-Jo Baker and many others as we take a topic and write about it for 5 minutes. No edits, nothing perfect, just my raw thoughts on the topic. So today, we are going with:
OrdinaryReady, and go.
I have spent many years telling people I was "just a Mom". Or "I am only human". I have lived believing I am ordinary. And while I do not have self confidence issues, I know that there is nothing special about what I do. Hundreds of thousands of parents stay home and take care of their children. I was not doing anything ground breaking.
Then there was that day that I had a revelation. I am NOT "only human". I am a child of God! A third of the Triune God dwells within me! I am using my everyday circumstances as a crutch. My life is anything BUT ordinary.
I care for our 8 children. Everyday. I make sure my husbands needs are taken care of. And I am doing my best to live out the new creation I am in God. Oh, there are days I am hideous. Far less than perfect. But He has called me to something so much more than ordinary. God has called me to be the EXTRA.
And stop.
AACK! So much more to say!! Join the link-up. See what others are writing. Or get inspired and write something yourself. It's kinda fun!